Helps maintain systemic balance and a healthy environment in the intestinal tract.
Non chemical wormer, no known side effects easy liquid dosing medicine. Treatment & preventative, safe for puppies, kittens, pregnant and nursing animals.
Aresicum album, calcarea carbonica, chenopodium anthelminticum, cina, cucurbita pepo, semen, ferrum phosphoricum, filix mas, granatum, kamala, naphthaline, natrum muriaticum, natrum phosphoricum, nux vomica, silica terra, spigelia anthelmintica, sublimated sulphur, teucrium marum, thymol, triticum repens.
Weight | Drops |
1 lb | 2 Drops (in at least 8 oz of water) |
1-20 lb | 5 Drops |
21-60 lb | 10 Drops |
61-100 lb | 15 Drops |
>100 lb | 20 Drops |
None know other than reversible effect of overdosage. Overdosage will result in a return of symptoms after the symptoms have initially disappeared. Where a return of symptoms occur while on the medication, ceasing to use will alleviate the effect. Patients who are hypersensitive to homeopathic preparations will show response to a single dose, which may not need to be repeated for some time. For this reason therapy should always start with a single dose the previous day and should a major response be seen, therapy should not be recommenced until symptoms relapse and then only a single dose given for maximum effect. Although there is no evidence that there are any safety issues, extra care should always be taken when dealing with pregnant animals. Should a suspected adverse reaction be seen or advice needed, please contact HomeoPet, LLC. Contact your veterinarian if problems persist.